Batty for Bats
Friday August 16, 2019, 7:30pm
Suitable for ages 6–10, tweens, teens and adults
Are bats really blind? Come learn the answer to this question and more! We will start inside the Discovery Center with a short presentation. Then we will caravan to a different trailhead for a twilight hike. Participants must provide their own transportation. We will use technology to help us detect any of the five species of bats that live in the preserve. We plan to hike approximately one mile stopping along the way to look and listen for bats.
Location: Albany Pine Bush Discovery Center, 195 New Karner Road, Albany, NY
Fee: Free! Reservations required for all attendees (regardless of age). Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Make reservations by calling 518-456-0655 or visit
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