Weekday Winter Outing
Trip leader: Don Orr. Location TBD. Tuesday outings have a 9:30 a.m. start time. To be included on our ski/snowshoe email list contact Roy and Sue at [email protected] Weekly details will be posted on the [...]
Trip leader: Don Orr. Location TBD. Tuesday outings have a 9:30 a.m. start time. To be included on our ski/snowshoe email list contact Roy and Sue at [email protected] Weekly details will be posted on the [...]
Connecting Tots with Nature is moving indoors for the winter! We will be exploring nature themes through child-led messy play, including sensory bins and process art projects. Dress for mess! Join us at the Niskayuna [...]
Ciarán Hussey, a Green-Schools Travel Officer working for the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce, will discuss how he helps schools increase the number of pupils walking, cycling, scooting, carpooling, using public transport or using [...]
Even in winter, even without leaves, our tree friends are still present, and are each distinctive enough to be identified. In this workshop we will first go over basic anatomy of twigs and branches, and [...]
Location TBD. Weekend winter outings have a 10:30 a.m. start time. To be included on our weekend ski/snowshoe email list contact [email protected]. Weekly details will be posted on the Members Facebook page
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