A 198-acre MHLC preserve along the banks of the Schoharie and Wilsey Creeks, featuring mature and early successional woodlands, ponds and wetlands, several waterfall vistas, and a walk along the beautiful Schoharie Creek. The trail is 1.3 miles long with some moderately steep sections. Leader: Marshall Lefebvre, MHLC Stewardship Coordinator. Directions: From Rt. 30 (south of Amsterdam), bear east at Bramans Corner on Bramans Corner Rd., cross the bridge into Burtonsville, soon turn right (north) onto Burtonsville Rd./Rt. 127, turn right again onto Butler Rd.; the gravel parking lot is less than 1 mile, to the left, on Butler Rd.
For more information on our Spring Walks this year, please visit:
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