ECOS: The Environmental Clearinghouse
May 19, 2024

Weekend Ski Outings

Building on the success of our Tuesday Ski Outing, ECOS is now offering weekend ski outings on Saturdays in January and February.  Participants will meet at the trailhead at 10:30 am.  In the event of [...]


Ski and Snowshoe Outing

Every Tuesday in January and February we'll enjoy an outing at a different location depending on the weather prediction for that day. in the event of no snow, we will have traction gear outings. The [...]


January Speaker

Millie Gittinger - long time ECOS member, an avid traveler throughout her life, will share a visual journey of her amazing journey of the Appalachian Trail. Zoom link:

Ski and Snowshoe Outing

Every Tuesday in January and February we'll enjoy an outing at a different location depending on the weather prediction for that day. in the event of no snow, we will have traction gear outings. The [...]


Weekend Ski Outings

Building on the success of our Tuesday Ski Outing, ECOS is now offering weekend ski outings on Saturdays in January and February.  Participants will meet at the trailhead at 10:30 am.  In the event of [...]
